Our male calling. Tricolors have a loud call for a PDF and sometimes call even in the dark             These frogs are a bright red with off white striping

Epipedobates tricolor is a great little frog and has a wonderful call. They are a good intermediate frog, and I highly recommend them.  They were very common in the hobby several years ago but they do not seem as popular now. There are several color morphs of this species available. We have the Santa Isabel Island morph. This morph is large for an E. tricolor and has a bright red base color with three off white lines running from the snout to vent on the back and sides. The scientific name - Epipedobates tricolor means: three color that walks on the ground. Well, our tricolors must have skipped Latin class because they spend a lot of time in the upper reaches of the vivarium. E. tricolor are very active and spend a lot of time moving about the enclosure. This seems to hold true for all of the Epipedobates in our collection. Another seeming truism for this genus is that they have excellent jumping ability. When I first introduced these frogs to their permanent enclosure one of our males jumped out of the enclosure a full two feet and landed (luckily) on my chest. This leap is pretty impressive, considering that at the time this frog was less than an inch in length. E. tricolor eat a variety of foods and in addition to regular vitamin and mineral supplements we add paprika to their food to enhance color. We also gut load food items with sweet potatoes. If this color supplementation does not take place the frogs will not achieve the deep red color found in nature.

Breeding: E. tricolor males mature sooner than the females and start calling at 8 - 10 months. We have read that the females are larger than males but ours seem to be about the same size, although the females are much rounder. We provide multiple egg laying sites in the form of horizontal leaves and film canisters placed at a 45 angle to the ground. We drill a small hole into the bottom of the film canister to stop it from filling with water but have found that a little water in the container seems to help with egg deposition. We also started placing the film canisters horizontally in bromeliads and the tricolors use them too. Tricolors lay large clutches of eggs. (see below) The tads hatch in 12 -15 days and they can be kept communally. Tads hatch out really small and are fed a mixture of spirulina, chlorella, stinging nettle and bee pollen (2:2:1:1), we also feed "Aquarian" fish food about once a week. After the rear legs develop we expose the tads to UVB lighting daily. They morph out pretty small too but can eat Drosophila melanogaster that are dusted daily with Repcal. We also a couple timesa weekl with Herptivite. We follow this dusting regime with our adult frogs too. We keep the froglet rearing containers loaded with springtails. The frogs reach maturity in 8-12 months.

A male santa isabel tricolor. The male in our group is very bold, the females hide most of the time.
            Tricolor eggs laid on an Alocasia leaf. There are about 25 eggs in this clutch. You can see by the dark spot that they are developing

Based on our experience  we have noted the tricolors like a well planted vivarium with lots of hiding places. We have provided multiple egg laying sites in the form of black film canisters, but as you can see they also lay on horizontal leaves. We keep the humidity high with regular misting and do not let the temperature rise above 83. We often let it get into the low 60's

Note: Epipedobates in general seems to like lower temperatures than some of our other frogs.

Size-Size 19 - 25 mm with the females slightly larger and rounder than the males. The males have a loud, nice call. 
Care-Easy to care for. Give tricolors plenty places to hide, and keep in mind their ability to jump some distance, especially if you have a front opening enclosure.
Food- Tricolors will accept a large variety of food.
Eggs and Tads- Tricolors lay many eggs, tads are omnivorous and can be raised communally
Temperature- 70°-80° In the spring and fall we let the temperatures fall into the low 60's
Locality - Ecuador

Email me with any questions at frogs@martin-spot.com